Based on version 1.0.2
Level 0 | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 |
Elvish Fighter neutral HP:32 MP:5 XP:38 short: 5 - 4 long: 3 - 3 | Elvish Captain neutral HP:44 MP:5 XP:90 leadership short: 7 - 4 long: 6 - 3 | Elvish Marshal neutral HP:62 MP:5 XP:100 leadership short: 10 - 4 long: 8 - 3 |
Elvish Hero neutral HP:48 MP:5 XP:80 short: 8 - 4 long: 6 - 3 | Elvish Champion neutral HP:70 MP:5 XP:100 short: 12 - 4 long: 9 - 4 |
Elvish Archer neutral HP:29 MP:6 XP:44 short: 5 - 2 long: 5 - 4 | Elvish Ranger neutral HP:42 MP:6 XP:80 ambush short: 7 - 3 long: 7 - 4 | Elvish Avenger neutral HP:60 MP:6 XP:100 ambush short: 9 - 4 long: 11 - 4 |
Elvish Marksman neutral HP:37 MP:6 XP:90 short: 6 - 2 long: 9 - 4 (marksman) | Elvish Sharpshooter neutral HP:45 MP:6 XP:100 short: 7 - 2 long: 10 - 5 (marksman) |
Mage lawful HP:24 MP:5 XP:60 short: 5 - 1 long: 7 - 3 (magical) | White Mage lawful HP:32 MP:5 XP:150 cures short: 6 - 1 long: 8 - 4 (magical) | Mage of Light lawful HP:42 MP:5 XP:100 illuminates,cures short: 7 - 3 long: 10 - 4 (magical) |
Red Mage neutral HP:42 MP:5 XP:100 short: 6 - 2 long: 8 - 4 (magical) | Arch Mage neutral HP:57 MP:5 XP:220 short: 7 - 2 long: 12 - 4 (magical) | Great Mage neutral HP:65 MP:5 XP:100 short: 9 - 2 long: 16 - 4 (magical) |
Silver Mage neutral HP:48 MP:6 XP:100 teleport short: 7 - 2 long: 9 - 4 (magical) |
Elvish Shaman neutral HP:26 MP:5 XP:32 heals short: 3 - 2 long: 3 - 2 (slow) | Elvish Druid neutral HP:36 MP:5 XP:80 cures short: 4 - 2 long: 6 - 2 (slow) long: 6 - 3 (magical) | Elvish Shyde neutral HP:46 MP:6 XP:100 cures short: 4 - 2 (magical) long: 7 - 2 (slow) long: 7 - 3 (magical) |
Elvish Sorceress neutral HP:41 MP:5 XP:100 short: 4 - 2 long: 4 - 3 (slow) long: 7 - 4 (magical) | Elvish Enchantress neutral HP:47 MP:5 XP:180 short: 5 - 2 long: 5 - 4 (slow) long: 9 - 4 (magical) | Elvish Sylph neutral HP:55 MP:6 XP:100 short: 5 - 3 (magical) long: 6 - 4 (slow) long: 10 - 5 (magical) |
Elvish Scout neutral HP:32 MP:9 XP:37 short: 4 - 3 long: 6 - 2 | Elvish Rider neutral HP:42 MP:10 XP:75 short: 6 - 4 long: 7 - 3 | Elvish Outrider neutral HP:50 MP:10 XP:100 short: 8 - 4 long: 7 - 4 |
Wose lawful HP:52 MP:3 XP:40 ambush,regenerates short: 13 - 2 | Elder Wose lawful HP:60 MP:3 XP:160 ambush,regenerates short: 18 - 2 | Ancient Wose lawful HP:80 MP:3 XP:100 ambush,regenerates short: 25 - 2 |
Merman Hunter lawful HP:30 MP:6 XP:35 short: 4 - 2 long: 5 - 3 | Merman Spearman lawful HP:40 MP:6 XP:85 short: 6 - 2 long: 6 - 4 | Merman Javelineer lawful HP:55 MP:6 XP:100 short: 8 - 3 long: 10 - 4 |
Merman Netcaster lawful HP:40 MP:7 XP:80 short: 6 - 3 long: 9 - 2 (slow) | Merman Entangler lawful HP:55 MP:7 XP:100 short: 7 - 3 long: 7 - 3 (slow) |
Elvish Fighter neutral HP:32 MP:5 XP:38 short: 5 - 4 long: 3 - 3 | Elvish Captain neutral HP:44 MP:5 XP:90 leadership short: 7 - 4 long: 6 - 3 | Elvish Marshal neutral HP:62 MP:5 XP:100 leadership short: 10 - 4 long: 8 - 3 |
Elvish Hero neutral HP:48 MP:5 XP:80 short: 8 - 4 long: 6 - 3 | Elvish Champion neutral HP:70 MP:5 XP:100 short: 12 - 4 long: 9 - 4 |
Elvish Archer neutral HP:29 MP:6 XP:44 short: 5 - 2 long: 5 - 4 | Elvish Ranger neutral HP:42 MP:6 XP:80 ambush short: 7 - 3 long: 7 - 4 | Elvish Avenger neutral HP:60 MP:6 XP:100 ambush short: 9 - 4 long: 11 - 4 |
Elvish Marksman neutral HP:37 MP:6 XP:90 short: 6 - 2 long: 9 - 4 (marksman) | Elvish Sharpshooter neutral HP:45 MP:6 XP:100 short: 7 - 2 long: 10 - 5 (marksman) |
Mage lawful HP:24 MP:5 XP:60 short: 5 - 1 long: 7 - 3 (magical) | White Mage lawful HP:32 MP:5 XP:150 cures short: 6 - 1 long: 8 - 4 (magical) | Mage of Light lawful HP:42 MP:5 XP:100 illuminates,cures short: 7 - 3 long: 10 - 4 (magical) |
Red Mage neutral HP:42 MP:5 XP:100 short: 6 - 2 long: 8 - 4 (magical) | Arch Mage neutral HP:57 MP:5 XP:220 short: 7 - 2 long: 12 - 4 (magical) | Great Mage neutral HP:65 MP:5 XP:100 short: 9 - 2 long: 16 - 4 (magical) |
Silver Mage neutral HP:48 MP:6 XP:100 teleport short: 7 - 2 long: 9 - 4 (magical) |
Elvish Shaman neutral HP:26 MP:5 XP:32 heals short: 3 - 2 long: 3 - 2 (slow) | Elvish Druid neutral HP:36 MP:5 XP:80 cures short: 4 - 2 long: 6 - 2 (slow) long: 6 - 3 (magical) | Elvish Shyde neutral HP:46 MP:6 XP:100 cures short: 4 - 2 (magical) long: 7 - 2 (slow) long: 7 - 3 (magical) |
Elvish Sorceress neutral HP:41 MP:5 XP:100 short: 4 - 2 long: 4 - 3 (slow) long: 7 - 4 (magical) | Elvish Enchantress neutral HP:47 MP:5 XP:180 short: 5 - 2 long: 5 - 4 (slow) long: 9 - 4 (magical) | Elvish Sylph neutral HP:55 MP:6 XP:100 short: 5 - 3 (magical) long: 6 - 4 (slow) long: 10 - 5 (magical) |
Elvish Scout neutral HP:32 MP:9 XP:37 short: 4 - 3 long: 6 - 2 | Elvish Rider neutral HP:42 MP:10 XP:75 short: 6 - 4 long: 7 - 3 | Elvish Outrider neutral HP:50 MP:10 XP:100 short: 8 - 4 long: 7 - 4 |
Wose lawful HP:52 MP:3 XP:40 ambush,regenerates short: 13 - 2 | Elder Wose lawful HP:60 MP:3 XP:160 ambush,regenerates short: 18 - 2 | Ancient Wose lawful HP:80 MP:3 XP:100 ambush,regenerates short: 25 - 2 |
Merman Hunter lawful HP:30 MP:6 XP:35 short: 4 - 2 long: 5 - 3 | Merman Spearman lawful HP:40 MP:6 XP:85 short: 6 - 2 long: 6 - 4 | Merman Javelineer lawful HP:55 MP:6 XP:100 short: 8 - 3 long: 10 - 4 |
Merman Netcaster lawful HP:40 MP:7 XP:80 short: 6 - 3 long: 9 - 2 (slow) | Merman Entangler lawful HP:55 MP:7 XP:100 short: 7 - 3 long: 7 - 3 (slow) |