Marauder Mauler

Level 2


Advances to:

Advance from: Marauder Crusher

HP: 52  Cost: 32  Moves: Alignment: chaotic  XP: 100


Most Crushers do not survive enough raids to be given the title of Mauler. He who does is truly a strong and fearsome opponent. He does not exercise restraint in battle, but fights until the death - it is because of this that so many die at a quite early age. Although the 'civilized' fighters think this fervor is foolhardy and pointless, many a battle has been won through the fury of the berserking Maulers.


Name Type Strikes Range Special
maul impact 7-4 melee rage_3 


blade 10%
cold 20%
impact -10%
pierce -10%
fire 0%
arcane 0%
energy 0%

Terrain Modifiers

Terrain Movement Defense
Castle 1 50%
Village 1 60%
Deep Water 100 20%
Shallow Water 2 30%
Grassland 1 40%
Forest 1 50%
Hills 1 60%
Mountains 2 60%
Swamp 3 30%
Sand 1 40%
Cave 1 20%
Snow 2 50%
Mushroom Grove 3 30%
Chasm 100

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